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 N3: Ninety-Nine Nights 2 Читы и коды
Hint: Two-Players Are Better Than One
От Sergey Muhin

To get some characters’s weapons, costumes, and accessories in their stages, you will need the assistance from a second player (on Xbox Live) using a different character.

When you encounter character specific obstacles in a character’s stage, you will need the special abilities of a character to get past them.

In short:

Galen is used to destroy the pillars/rocks with the orange lightning bolt/crack. When you see obstacles with this symbol in a non-Galen stage, put Galen as a second player so he can remove those obstacles for you.

Maggni is required to move the white-stone pillars. When you see one of these in a non-Maggni stage, put Maggni as a second player to move these rocks into place.

Sephia can douse orange and blue walls of fire. When you encounter these immobile curtains of flame in a non-Sephia stage, put Sephia as the second player to douse the flames.

Levv can latch onto the pulsing purple orbs with his grappler. There seems to be almost no stages that require Levv’s special ability.

Zazi can shoot (press Block or Skill Use Toggle in first-person view) the crystal switches for gates and bridges. When you find these crystals in a non-Zazi stage, be sure to put Zazi as a second player to activate them.

Hint: Quick Dash Attack
От Sergey Muhin

After doing an evasion, pressing the strong attack (default is Y or GOLD) will let your hero or heroine do a quick dashing attack. This attack is the same as pressing the strong attack after running eight steps (standard Musou practice).

Hint: Maximize Your Points
От Sergey Muhin

You get 5000 points for not picking up boxed or enemy dropped items and 8000 for each Active and Passive skills (must show: [None],if equipped press Y-button). In order to get maximum points be sure to get high combo and kill count and explore the map to discover hidden objectives. This game has plenty to aim for.

Hint: QTE Forecasting
От Sergey Muhin

As with most games featuring Quick Time Events, you can pause the game (START) to see if there is an upcoming QTE. If you cannot skip the cinematic with the BACK button, get ready for a real-time button sequence.

Издатель: The Adventure Company
Разработчик: Darkling Room
Жанр: Adventure
Релиз: TBA
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