1. Not What I Thought It Was
You need to complete Chapter 1 on Any Difficulty Level
5 |
2. The Pessimist
You need to make a negative coop morality choice
5 |
3. A Steep Descent
You need to complete Chapter 2 on Any Difficulty Level
10 |
4. A Decent Animal
You need to complete Chapter 3 on Any Difficulty Level
15 |
5. Emergency Room
You need to complete Chapter 4 on Any Difficulty Level
20 |
6. Gone Shopping
You need to complete Chapter 5 on Any Difficulty Level
25 |
7. Survivor?
You need to complete the Game on Any Difficulty Level
30 |
8. Softcore
You need to complete Half the Game on Contractor Difficulty
50 |
9. Hardcore
You need to complete the Game on Contractor Difficulty
100 |
10. Meat Bag
You need to use 15 enemies as human shields
15 |
11. Chaaaaarge!
You need to charge through 20 enemies
15 |
12. The Beast
You need to kill 6,666 people in Campaign
50 |
13. Grenadier
You need to kill 3 or more enemies with a single grenade
10 |
14. Pistolier
You need to kill 150 enemies with a pistol
20 |
15. Old Faithful
You need to kill 400 enemies with assault rifles, sub machinguns or shotguns
20 |
16. One Shot, One Kill
You need to kill 100 enemies with a sniper rifle
20 |
17. Quick Draw
You need to kill 25 enemies with a quick draw from mock surrender
15 |
18. Open Hand Slap!
You need to kill 50 enemies with a melee or bayonet
15 |
19. Unbreakable
You must survive an entire level in one session without being downed on normal difficulty or above
25 |
20. Not So Bad After All
You need to tie up 15 enemy combatants instead of executing them
10 |
21. Healer
You need to heal your partner 10 times
10 |
22. Co-Op Sniper
You need to Co-Op Snipe 5 enemies
10 |
23. Attention Grabber
You need to allow your partner to snipe 5 guys while in Mock Surrender
10 |
24. In Synch
You need to kill two enemies with simultaneous Quick Draws while in Co-op Mock Surrender
10 |
25. Pumpkin Patch
You need to shoot 2 enemies in the head with a single bullet
10 |
26. Total FistBump Destruction
You need to finish the game as best friends
10 |
27. Total Fistbump Deflation
You need to finish the game in a fractured friendship
10 |
28. The Truth Is Right Here
You need to listen to all of the Radio Broadcasts
20 |
29. Loot and Pillage
You need to collect $1,000,000
20 |
30. Full Arsenal
You need to collect All Weapons and Weapon Parts
30 |
31. Touch Not a Cat but a Glove
You need to shoot all Maneki Neko cats in the game
50 |
32. Hate Monger
You need to customize a weapon to high aggro
10 |
33. The Optimist
You need to make a positive coop morality choice
5 |
34. Humanist
You need to save every hostage
30 |
35. Fancy Meeting You Here
Versus: Invite a friend before joining a lobby to play a public match (Secret)
5 |
36. Big Game Hunting
Versus: Kill both members of a single partnership during a public match (Secret)
5 |
37. Job Seeker
Versus: In public matches, kill a player with the primary or secondary weapon from every weapon kit (Secret)
10 |
Versus: Create a custom facemask online (www.armyoftwo.com) and wear it in a public match (Secret)
10 |
39. Death Dealer
Versus: Kill 10 players with headshots on a single map in a public match (Secret)
10 |
40. Power Couple
Versus: Earn the highest partnership score in a Co-op Deathmatch, Control or Warzone public match (Secret)
15 |
41. All Guns Blazing
Versus: Kill a player with every weapon, including special weapons, in public matches (Secret)
30 |
42. Bound For Life
Versus: In a public match, survive an Extraction map without suffering a single death on your team (Secret)
30 |
43. King of the Hill
Versus: Win a public match on every map in Co-op Deathmatch, Control and Warzone (Secret)
30 |
44. Survival of the Fittest
Versus: Complete all 16 rounds of an Extraction game in a public match (Secret)
50 |
45. Fresh Meat
Versus: Revive your partner and perform a partner reload during the same public match (Secret)
5 |
46. Rock, Paper, Scissors
Beat your partner at rock, paper, scissors three times in a row (Secret)
5 |
47. Scavenger
Build a gun using 3 homebrew parts (Secret)
15 |
48. Purist
Make only positive choices (Secret)
20 |
49. Heartless
Make only negative choices (Secret)
20 |
50. Future Visions
Unlock all Potential Futures (Secret)
30 |
51. Дополнение Chapters of Deceit
А сейчас пошли ачивки из DLC Chapters of Deceit. 8 достижений на 250G. Стоимость дополнения 800 Microsoft points ($10.00).
52. Men of the people
Escort all hostages to safety.
25 |
53. Pick a new face
There are some bad ass masks lying around the city. Find one or two to change your look.
15 |
54. Hit & Miss
Complete Chapter 8 on any difficulty level.
50 |
55. Train wrecked
Complete Chapter 9 on any difficulty level.
50 |
56. Paging Dr Wu
Dr. Wu is digging up some intel for you. Make sure he stays alive long enough to find it.
35 |
57. Good Guys
Meilin Jun betrayed the civilian resistance but if it’s of no consequence to you, let her live.
25 |
58. Good fellas
Meilin Jun is a snitch and a traitor. Give her what she deserves.
25 |
59. Can it really be that simple?
You’ve got a chance to take out Jonah, the leader of the FDI. Don’t blow it.
25 |