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Zombie Apocalypse

As the zombie infection spreads uncontrollably and the undead outnumber humans, a small band of heavily equipped gunslingers set out to destroy as many zombies as they can and try to save any of the remaining survivors in Zombie Apocalypse.

Up to four players can try and stop the zombie apocalypse with an arsenal of deadly weapons, such as an assault rifle, flame thrower, or grenade launcher, and when ammo is low a chainsaw will be your last line of defense against becoming one of the undead. This action packed, arcade-style shooter will test your dual analog stick shooting skills and ability to survive 55 days of relentless zombie attacks.

1. Environmental Awareness
Kill a zombie using an environmental hazard in any game mode
2. Gas Powered
Complete an entire arena, getting every kill with the Chainsaw
3. Gun Shop
Kill at least one zombie with each weapon type in any game mode
4. More the Merrier
Kill 10 or more zombies at the same time in any game mode
5. Socialite
Play in an online multiplayer game
6. Tour of the City
Complete each arena at least once in the same game in any game mode
7. Can’t Touch This
Rack up a 100x multiplier in any game mode
8. Friends in Low Places
Save 25 survivors in any game mode
9. Interior Decorator
Kill 25 zombies in any game mode using environmental hazards
10. A Week To Live
Complete 7 days in any game mode without dying
11. Anniversary of the dead
Complete the Final Day, in either Single or Multiplayer, and finish the game
12. Hotter Than Hell
Complete the final day of the ’7 Days of Hell’ unlockable mode
Издатель: Konami
Разработчик: Konami
Жанр: Shoot-Em-Up
Дата выхода: Северная Америка 2009-09-23
Европа 2009-09-23
Цена: 800 Microsoft points ($10.00)
Приобрели: 0
Хотят: 0 (Добавить)
Просмотров: 6,495
Читов: 0
Видео: 0
Галерея: 0
Файлов: 0
Гайдов: 0
Статей: 0
* Multiplayer action: Spill zombie guts side-by-side with up to four players in online or local multiplayer. * Devastating weapons: Burn, saw, and dismember the undead with ten devastating weapons. * Fatal hazards: Butcher the walking dead using jet turbines, wood chippers, and other fatal hazards. * Survival strategy: Survive over 50 stages of brutal carnage in seven brain-splattering locations. * Bonus game modes: Re-live the apocalypse with seven challenging unlockable game modes.
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Ранг #623 из 1,999 игр базы Geafox
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#623. Zombie Apocalypse (x360)
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